I think I may have a VD...?

Sometimes you just know...that burning sensation, you know the one that screams this is something different, but at the same time your kind of ashamed of it as you wonder what other people will think.

It's been along time since I've had a Valentines Date...she had left subtle hints that she wanted to go out. When will girls learn that subtle only works on guys that don't have access to porn. Porn is self medication for the lonely, but it leaves us ungodly insensitive to the women in our lives.

But, why wouldn't it we are the first generation of men raised with internet access, all our best moves were learned in 15 second intervals from the freebie sites, so there would be no tracks once we cleared the browser, and logged back into biblestudentanswers.com.

The only problem is when the veal was taken from my eyes and I realized that everything that porn had taught me was a lie, here I was thinking I was being taught by the masters when in real life situations there answers never worked.

That is when I became a porn atheist. I don't knock those that need porn to fill that special need in there lives. Why should I mock the thing that comforts others in their darkest hour. Sometimes I even wish I could go back to those days of blissfull ignorance. Sometimes I visit my old sites just to check in on whats new, but its not the same, I've become too cynical, the guilt is gone and so is the thrill.

So if love isn't having a women lick your balls...then what is?

1 comment:

Yoda said...

"So if love isn't having a women lick your balls...then what is?"

Real love is so, so, so different than that.

Real love is when you take a woman home, show her a good time, and then rub lips. Just rub lips back and forth, back and forth.

Then, if you're lucky, you get to snuggle.

'nuff said.